
92.   R. Ramos, T. Kikkawa, M. H. Aguirre, I. Lucas, A. Anadón, T. Oyake, K. Uchida, H. Adachi, J. Shiomi, P. A. Algarabel, L. Morellón, S. Maekawa, E. Saitoh, and M. R. Ibarra, ” Unconventional scaling and significant enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in multilayers “, Physical Review B, Vol. 92, 220407(R) (2015). []2015.08.22 Sat

R. Ramos, T. Kikkawa, M. H. Aguirre, I. Lucas, A. Anadón, T. Oyake, K. Uchida, H. Adachi, J. Shiomi, P. A. Algarabel, L. Morellón, S. Maekawa, E. Saitoh, and M. R. Ibarra, ” Unconventional scaling and significant enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in multilayers “, Physical Review B, Vol. 92, 220407(R) (2015). []