Four sessions (plus one in the back) will be held on the following dates and times.

The first half of each session will be a lab intro and explanation of the graduation research topic, and the second half will be a demonstration of energy-related (materials, heat, fluids) experiments.

After each session, a tour related to robotics (Engineering Building No. 9 tour) will be conducted for those who wish to participate.
・Session 1: 10/3 (Tue.) 14:00-15:00 (Shiomi will explain)
・Session 2: 10/3(Tue.) 16:00-17:00 (Lee will explain)

・Session 3: 10/5(Thu.) 14:00-15:00 (Shiomi will explain)
・Session 4: 10/5 (Thu.) 16:00-17:00 (Lee will explain)

** Special session on fundamentail research of nanoscale materials and physics will be held online on 10/3(Tue.) 15:00-15:30. If you are interested in studying solid state physics, join here 【Zoom link:】.